BOOK OF AMERICAN INDIAN GAMES Allan and Paulette Macfarlan
Dover Publications, Inc., New York 1953
“The players sit on the ground in a circle with a blanket spread in the center. The chief gives the bowl containing the disks to any player, who is allowed one to three throws, as decided before the game begins. The player can make the throws by bringing the bowl up quickly from lap level and jerking it down again so that the disks fly up into the air. The player must then try to catch as many of them as possible in the bowl as they fall, without changing the sitting position from which they were tossed. The score made on each throw is counted by the chief, who totals all of the numbers shown on the sides of the disks that lie uppermost in the bowl. The bowl is passed clockwise around the circle of seated players as each player completes the throw.
For younger players, the chief may allow the young players to toss the disks up so that they fall onto the blanket instead of being caught in the bowl, but, of course, all players in the circle must use this method of play. Only the sides of disks, which fall uppermost on the blanket, score in this simple version.”
“The same equipment is needed, but two bowls, instead of one, are required. They must be of the same size. Pairs play the game, and the two players sit directly opposite each other, 4 feet apart. One player has the numbered disks in his bowl and immediately after he calls “Ready!" he tosses the disks, with a sharp jerk of the bowl upward and forward, across to the player sitting opposite him. That player, without changing his sitting position, tries to catch as many of the disks as possible in his bowl, either by pointing the mouth of it toward the disks flying toward him or by trying to place his bowl directly under them, catching them as they fall. Disks missed, or disks that fall out of the bowl after they have gone in do not score. Each player can have two or three turns at tossing the disks and the same number of chances to catch the thrown disks. The score is based on the total number shown on the uppermost sides of the disks caught in the bowl. Players should try to toss the disks as well and fairly as possible, knowing that if they toss them to the player opposite them badly they are likely to receive the same treatment when their turn comes to do the catching. The fairest way to conduct this game is for each pair of players to be considered as a partner-team and their joint, total score entered in a contest against the other partner-teams playing.”
Courtesy of the Warren County Historical Society